Sunday, August 16, 2009

Student Leadership Retreat

Student Leadership Retreat is something Crosstown has done for I think 6 years now. I loved the preparation and the thoughts behind this retreat as this is were my ministry heart is, training and teaching believers that want it.

The students didn't know where we were going and worked it out when we were pretty much there! It was an amazing week. We did all sorts. Our theme was, The Amazing Race, and on two days we did a race with the students. It was intense!

What a day Friday was though. We hiked for about 16 hours and 20 miles, minimum. We hiked up half dome. It was crazy, but so well worth it. 8000 feet high, thats a lot of walking, I sure felt it and pretty much died on the way down. I wasn't feeling all that good the night before, but clearly I still went. Well I didn't eat too much because of how I was feeling, foolish I know. And on the way down, on a nice straight path, I zoned out and fell to my left and hit the deck. That sure woke me up!

Well I made it down, after sun down in the dark and enjoyed somewhat a nice warmish shower.

The pictures really do speak for themselves. Look out for me on the diving board on the top of Half Dome, it's a ledge stick off the edge of the Dome, looking down 8000 feet.
Also another high light was doing the communication, team building activity of Lego Man :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Acts just Stirs

Awhile back I started meeting with Pastor Mick Andrews. I first I didn't know what to think other than I wanted an older man to be my mentor. He is over 65, so my first requirement was achieved! I am a strong believer of discipleship and mentoring people, because the Bible is so clear about it. Jesus clearly talked about it as did Timothy and Titus. So to speak to P. Mick about him meeting with once a week and mentoring with me, and having him say yes, with no doubt brought joy to me. Not realizing what I was starting when I had the conversation with him. With it being about 6 months, I never want to miss a 9 am Wednesday morning Mick & Stu time. To have someone to talk to, share with, ask advice and receive such care, love and interest back, with along with his humility and openness too, why would I want to miss a 9 am Wednesday? The thing I love the most about P. Mick is the support I get from him. His desire to see me continue on my path with the LORD and see what the LORD is working and doing in my life now and in the future achieved. To have that support with correction is possibly one of the best friendships anyone can have.

Going back a few months now we started going through the book of Acts, or known more descriptive as the Acts of the Apostles, I have it written in my Bible as that to remind me what this book is talking about. We are just about to go into chapter 6. And reading and talking through Acts with P. Mick has brought me accountability to be reading my Bible daily in preparation for Wednesday 9 am each week. I will be honest and share that I struggled at the start and would read the night before or the morning before I headed to church, but now I am in a place were I am reading consistently and near enough each day. Acts is the book I am using to go through and my time personally with Jesus, and having that opportunity to reflect on the verses we read each week with P. Mick on Wednesday. That time is so important due to fellowship, but also the taking in of the verses that we read and the teaching that can spring from that, just makes me walk away filled with joy rising high from the Holy Spirit within me. I am so strongly felt towards teaching and training believers, that Acts is used greatly by God to stir up in me this feeling were I am on edge and raging to go. Every opportunity like the Apostles and others mentioned in Acts, do I wan to be like that sharing Jesus and preaching and teaching His name and spreading His teaching. There is nothing more I want, after just simply surrendering and following Jesus, is to teach what the Bible says.

I share this as my heart is so heavy for this. And Acts, because that is what God is using primarily to speak to me through His Word. I love Pastor Mick and I encourage you to seek mentorship and discipleship wherever you may be or may go.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Probably back in May we started sign ups in the Youth Group for students to be involved this summer in serving our church. Two of them were Vacation Bible School (VBS) and Music Camp. I signed up for VBS, because I had no doubt in my mind that I love kids and I wanted to share Jesus' Life with them. So I told Loretta the director that I wanted to be involved. She asked me in what capacity and doing what? I said I am not sure, just wherever you need me. Following that conversation maybe 2 weeks later or a little over, all so fuzzy now, she said to me, does a class leader sound good? I was like wooooo, leader a class/grade? "Yeah!" Loretta responded, "that okay?" I was like sure, just didn't expect that kind of role. So June came along and there I was leading my class. Was such a beautiful experience. I connected with the kids, shared Jesus, saw the Holy Spirit at work and had fun with my volunteers and the kids involved.

Was a very joyous event to be apart of and I wanted to share with you a picture of Brain Stewart, one of my kids in my class. He is beyond cool, as you can tell from his Mo-Hawk!

In the build up to VBS, and having no thought at all of being apart of Music Camp, since I am not that overly musical, I didn't see it being a fit for me, until Jeanette came up to me in the office and asked me to be a part by using my tech skills to teach the kids about slideshows and movies. So I asked for the dates and said I could only until the Thursday because a trip planned down to San Diego to see the coolest people on Earth after Adam and Eve! Jeanette was cool with that, so I agreed. So in July I was able to share Jesus again with another bunch of kids, just as wild and crazy. This time as overseer I had two classes. I want to share a picture I took on my phone of my first class. The quieter of the two, but defiantly not like a sleeping baby!

I had this photo as my screensaver on my phone for a while to be reminded of them and to pray for them. But also to have child like faith. The faith that takes trust in words that say "jump, come follow me. I will catch you and lead you." Kids are amazing to observe and spend time with. So much to learn from and so much fun to be had with them.

I just enjoy loving on kids and being loved back.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hydrangeas my Favorite!

My mom made a little display of them on the kitchen table and I thought I would share the beauty of them. HaHa I know cheesy. I Just love them. I wish they had a scent unfortunately they dont. I decided these flowers will be in my wedding either the green ones that fade into white or the blue ones. That will be decided at a later date. :) Stu actually bought me a hydrangea bush for my bday last year. Its now planted in the front yard and Im excited to see it bloom and find out what color it is hmmm....And now I would like to take a moment to give a little shout out to someone. ASHLEE I miss ya you are my favorite :) Love you lady (Hi doug)

Friday, July 24, 2009

DnA meets SS (Best trip of our Life!)

Sarah and I ventured down to San Diego last Thursday to visit with Doug and Ashley. Ohhhhh it was such a good trip. I was about a year since we both were down there, and Sarah calls Ash her lover, so in their eyes been way too long. Doug and eye just roll our eyes to that!

So on the thursday night we went to see Coldplay in concert. Man are they good performers. I had a ticket with my friend Jeremy from Bible School, and Ashley got Doug tickets for his Birthday, but Sarah was the odd one out with no ticket. Sarah was at first okay with it, but after realizing what she was missing out on, she decided that she wanted to go. So frantically all four of us were looking on craigslist. We had some leads, but they sizzled out. Then we found ourselves in the car, eating pizza on the way to the concert, figuring out "Oh wait, what we going to do? Sarah doesn't have a ticket!" We got there to the parking lot and a guy we had called of craigslist called up and said you still want a ticket, and we were like HECKA YEH, so sarah got one and was about to enjoy the show. If you want to see pictures go to:

On a whole the 5 days we were down there, was totally the best days of the year 2009, I don't think anything can beat that. Doug and Ash are so cool and, we are so thankful for having, close, supportive friends in our lives. I have enjoyed the time I have had with them to get to know them and the chance for them to get to know me. We had endless times of fun and laughter. We played cranium, ate out on the lawn close by for dinner, walked on the beach, surfed, ate out, got a stupidly over priced beard trim and also a new hair cut.

Two moments I won't forget from the weekend are:

I quote ash on within the first hour I get to their house, "Stu your English has gotten better!" I just looked at her with confusion across my face. Does that make sense? I am english and my english has gotten better. All four of us, just laughed, for the value of that statement. What Ash was meant to say is that ohhhh I can understand your accent more now. Oh quirky Ashley!

Second was when we went out for a dinner in downtown San Diego on Saturday Night at a Mexican Restaurant, and I was not allowed in because they wouldn't accept my English Drivers License. They needed my passport. I was like who carries their passport around on them, and to go out for a meal? I just couldn't believe it. So we decided to go elsewhere of course. And ohhh the service of the restaurant we went too, I will leave it at that!

Also a highlight I know for Sarah was getting to hang out with Linz and meeting her new boy friend. It was very cool in meeting Chad and getting to know him in the small time we had. Us 3 couples got to spend some good, funny times with each other and create memories that will live out history.

A blessing that I wasn't expecting was being affirmed by the LORD at church on Sunday Morning. We were able to attend with DnA to Flood down there. I say blessing and affirmation, because that is exactly what I felt when the service had finished. Clear Bible Teaching and application, and such a wonderful time respond to God through praise in song. We sung defiantly my favorite song, Hosanna. Lines from that song has been prayer for me for the past 2 months. I would like to share them with you. "Show me how to love like you have loved me", "Break my heart for what breaks yours". Especially the second line there has been a huge prayer of me. I want to have His life flow through me like a rapid, flowing river, and that one aspect is to have the heart of God's. Simply I just want my heart to break when God hearts break. And one area that is, is broken relationships.

I mean this with no exaggeration. The extended weekend down in San Diego was the best weekend ever! Thank You DnA, your the best :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

This is Sarah's favorite song from Dallas Green. Just wanted to share it with you all and if you don't know City and Colour, get to know them!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hume Lake Camp

In June I ventured with our Youth Group to Hume Lake Christian Camp up in the mountains in central California. Clearly was going to be my first time, as I only moved over here 10 months ago and I have heard many stories about this camp before taking the bus ride down there all year long. So I had created this image in my head of what I thought it would be like when I got there. Well whatever image I had in my head was pretty much blown up in size or thrown out of my mind because I got it wrong. One thing it is HUGE, on like 300+ acres and is just crazy. Second is that I didn't expect it to be so Christ centered, because of the crazy things they do such as all the activities, Rec everyday, huge tech input and having a 1000 high schoolers there. So I my thought of the size, amount of activities and all the work it takes to run the camp was instantly blown up to an even greater perspective. And to my happyness I encouraged by the focus upon our Lord throughout literally everything. The simplesty of praying before and after anything, the solid time and focus of being in the word and hearing staff testimony of them telling us, that the week is all worth it when they hear what God has done in and through the lives of students there.

I was also able to spend a decent amount of time with the speaker there that week. Chuck Bomar. He is a Pastor in Portland and the director or College Leader ( He was a huge blessing in my life and a big encourager, as I was able to pick his mind and thoughts and just able to share time with him.

What was huge and I am truly thankful for was the time I got to spend with the student from Crosstown Youth Group. I was able to connect with those I hadn't connected with yet and deepen the friendship I have with those guys in my small group. In those moments I was challenged, encouraged and able to share with them words from the Bible, challenge them and just simply enjoy hanging out.

Next year hear I come. I am ready now!

That week was a blessing in my life and I would like to share some pictures with you to join in with me on that week.